Saturday, January 17, 2009


I'm not asking you to be my friend on Facebook... I think I might be a little behind the times.
I was talking to some friends and they, not me, had this FAN-frickin'-TASTIC idea and then it was me, not they, who was tapped with the task of putting out there to the universe.
Here's the idea:
Every Friday, if you wish, you can meet with other like-minded folk anytime between 2-7 at different super fun locations where the kids can run and roam and climb and play and maybe the mamas can catch a break or drink a beer. We'll either meet at an eatery or plan to move to one around dinnertime... the idea is to return home with your kids fed and all tuckered out, start the weekend out right. I'm putting four different locations on the calendar to repeat, let me know if you want to add a location, I can always change it with ease. The only rule is that this is super laid back, relaxed and fun!!
Email me if you'd like to join. One major point is that it's very loose and free... if you feel like going, great, if you don't, no prob, if you want to RSVP or check if someone specific is going to be there, sure thing, do it. I'm not going to promise that I'll be there, either. In fact, don't think of me as the instigator of all this, I don't want to be responsible for anything except for setting up this group. Just think of this group as a marvelous playdate that materializes out of the ether each Friday and just thank your lucky stars if it fits in well with your week.
That said, I will see you at Bull Creek on Friday, and I am PSYCHED! I am going to bring myself a little bottle of some delicious hoppy substance... or a porter... mmmm, one perfect beer in a beautiful place while the kids frolic, can't beat it.

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