Saturday, January 31, 2009

And speaking of Mercury in retrograde...

... it sure does get a bad rap. I LOVE Heather Sullivan Bleadsell and I get her bimonthly astrological newsletter even though I'm not that in to astrology or anything, it always gives me a fresh burst of inspiration and insight. I absolutely love it. Here's her take on that bad ol' Mercury in Retrograde:
Mercury is in Retrograde until January 30.,
giving us another opportunity to adjust our thinking, open up our
thought process, relax our attitudes, and revise our communication
about our direction. When Mercury retrogrades, we find that many
parts of our life are being reviewed. Often these RE-VISIONS can be a
surprise and might cause a stumble or two... BUT imaging it as the
Universe's perfect Stoplight. You have three weeks to take a nice
long look at the map and see where you are and where you would like
to be going. If you need some "course correction" or adjustment, the
retrograde is here for you. So, drive slow and proceed with
mindfulness - it's a good time to practice flexibility, openness, and
the art of being non-reactive. When Mercury goes direct, you might
find yourself in an entirely new place...and LOVE IT.


Unknown said...

ah yes! this explains everything! just wish I had had this info before my crappy weekend! But this makes me feel better about it all in retrospect. thanks!

Kathie Sever said...

i love that.

HeatherBleasdell said...

thanks kami!