Saturday, March 14, 2009


Dang! Sorry this won't come out any bigger. Just wanted to share this ad for the booksale with you. Truth be told we may have missed it by about 15 or 20 years. I got kinda busted regifting this Christmas season when this dropped out of a book I had given my sister-in-law, Jessica. It was a newer book than this ad, I think I had found this and stashed it inside the book last time I was home with my family of origin and rooting through my old possessions. This ad used to be on my wall and it really gives me some strong wrenches in my heart, simply because it says on the back that it's addressed to Pamela Hoffmeister, and I know I worshipped Pam for such a long time as a kid and teenager. I wished (and still kind of do) that I could be a part of their family, making art all the time, living in France for big chunks of time, chickens in the backyard, apple tree in the backyard, family of six children, art everywhere, so much style, always living in some beautiful neighborhood in Seattle or Eugene where we kids were free to roam (instead of the boring rural burbs in Western Washington where I sent a major part of my growing up years...).... I still long for them. Or maybe more specifically, for her. Does anyone else out there have a dream mom? I'm sure whatever mom you have you yearn at times for a different sort, but... she just is my dream mom, and I miss her.
I always say that I'm trying to manifest my dream family in my neighborhood. If I just envision them clearly enough, one day I'll discover them on one of these side streets back here. The perfect family that's right close by, that has kids that match perfectly with my kids, that when we get together it's just so easy and relaxing and fun. I really believe I am going to find that family someday (soon I hope) but whenever I imagine them, they are similar in almost every way to the Hoffmeisters. Of course I'll let my family be whoever they are when I finally meet them... and I'll just try to imbue my own household with some of those characteristics about the Hoffs that I hold so dear.
Now how to swing the living in France part....

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