Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I was over at a friend's house yesterday and we were looking at a Robert Sabuda pop up book and she happened to be an artsy type so when we were exclaiming over the utter coolness she also whipped out a How-To book about pop ups. I didn't really have time to peruse what with the feral young running rampant, but later that day I found myself at the library so I grabbed a similar book and then took myself out on a date to the coffee shop to madly dork out with paper and scissors.
I think this is clear enough without me adding additional confusing words but if anything is unclear just let me know. I thought it was so astounding that you could make something so amazing and 3-D and beautiful in just a matter of minutes. It made me feel quite excited about the possibilities, the possibilities, oh the endless possibilities! I'll be back with another cool pop-up that I learned, maybe tomorrow.

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