Sunday, February 8, 2009

Earthplay playscapes

OMG check out this website, please. This is bringing tears to my eyes. I want to build one of these so so so so sooooooooooo incredibly much! These are the playscapes of my dreams. You thought Mueller was cool... this is a whole 'nother level. If you can, watch the little movie of kids playing in one under the Fun Stuff heading. WHO WANTS TO BUILD ONE OF THESE WITH ME IN OUR COMMUNITY??? And where, where??
I'm speechless with slavish admiration for these amazing people and amazing ideas.... and I just want one so cotton pickin' much....


  1. Oh honey, I am ON BOARD!!! Let's talk about this, see who knows who in what position of power within the city (I'm thinking city council, community leaders, etc), & start brainstorming...
    I would *LOVE* to have a park like this where I could take Julian. Woweeeeeee! Who loves mudpies?? I do I do!!

  2. oh wow. those are too cool. and they're based in ithaca! such a haven for coolness. yes. love it.
